Freedom Lifestyle

How To Freelance Your Freedom

Sam Laliberte Season 3 Episode 29

Freelancing is one of the fastest and most affordable ways to begin working as your own boss… and often, from your own home (or fav co-working space). 

A freelancer is someone who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. They typically offer service based work to other businesses either by sourcing clients independently or by using third party resources like Fiverr.

In this episode we demystify: 

  • How to find and qualify freelance clients
  • Practical advice for pricing your freelance services
  • Saying no to freelance work that’s not a fit
  • Finding your ideal freelance client 
  • Fear of rejection and getting turned down as a freelancer
  • Scaling your freelance business 
  • Abundance mindset as a freelancer  

Guests include: 

  1. Katy, the Copywriter helps entrepreneurs and freelancers get more leads, more sales and more money by showing them how to write awesome sales copy, that actually sounds “like you”. Katy’s journey to freedom through freelance is super interesting as it all started when she moved across the globe for her partner’s work. Discover how she approached launching a freelance career in a city she knew no one!

  2. Jasmine Williams is an award-winning writer who branded herself as a freelance social media and content consultant. Jasmine has almost always freelanced on the side but recently quit her full-time work to pursue freelance as a career. Learn how she made the transition and how she's scaling her services in 2019. 

About the show:

✨ Freedom Lifestyle represents the movement towards freedom in life and work. We interview entrepreneurial people who've created a lifestyle of independence, that's on their own terms. We discover their version of the Freedom Lifestyle, learn how they got there and reflect on the impact its had. ✨


Credit - Avant Jazz - Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (…isrc=USUAN1100319Artist:

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